Friday, August 21, 2015

X-ray Duo's Research Helps Launch Human Trial for Treatment of Arsenic Poisoning

Former SLAC Scientists Still Conduct Experiments at Lab’s SSRL
August 20, 2015

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rostov NPP: №3 first put into 100% of the thermal power

15.07.2015 09:42 | Department of Information and Public Relations of JSC "Concern" Rosenergoatom "

July 14 at 17:00 Rostov NPP power unit №3, located on the stage of pilot production for the first time put into the nominal power level.

Stage of development of the power from 90 to 100 percent was started at 2 am and took place in accordance with the technological regulations.

The last stage of the development of power was preceded by tests on the level of 75 percent. According to the deputy chief engineer of the second stage of Rostov NPP Andrey Gorbunov, is a set of tests to verify the design characteristics of the equipment. "Show reliable operation, comments on its operation there," - said A.Gorbunov.

Before the development of the next stage of increasing the power of 24 June 2015 №3 unit was disconnected from the network for routine work, and included in the network of 6 July.

Such mandatory inspection equipment after each pass of the stages set capacity at a level of 30, 50, 75-and 90 percent. The whole period of the phased development of power took about six months. Recall unit was restarted in December 2014.

According to Andrey Gorbunov, etc., after the unit at nominal power level will be carried out comprehensive tests for 15 days. There will also be tested to verify the design characteristics of the equipment.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Russia - Official Country Page

May 16, 2015. Russian President Vladimir Putin plays in the gala match of the Night Hockey League, Sochi.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Simple math or 13 inches.

White computer screen, black letters. The white color is known as the most energy-rich. Further, in general, we will take a very close and approximated values, for, just, determine the order of digits. Now imagine 4.5 billion Internet addresses, and let each node to be a medium-sized screen, taking into account mobile devices, desktop computers, and duper mega screens, the average value of the diagonal of the screen even if one node is 13 inches, all other things being equal, and mutually exclusive. I do not know exactly how many watts per hour consumes one square inch white screen, but let's say 1 watt for the convenience and ease of counting the final correction of the order numbers. We now know that one medium white screen consumes 13 watts per hour. We now multiply 13-watt standard for 4.5 billion Internet addresses, given the corporate subnet, the ability of the Internet to branch structure while maintaining a constructive structure, we can do it, and to accept the result of the approximation to the real. We obtained 58.5 gigawatt hours. Now multiply the number of hours per day and we get 1,404 terawatt per day consumes a white screen on the planet. Quite an approximate figure, but even a great approximation to the accuracy of this fact impressive.
Andrei Rogachev, 05.17.2015, Sunday, 16:42, Kremёnki city.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Prime Minister Abe visited Los Angeles.


Posted by 首相官邸 on 2 Май 2015 г.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

United States of America visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


Posted by 首相官邸 on 28 Апрель 2015 г.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Utah Gymnastics in Fort Worth Convention Center

Behind the scenes with the Univerisity of Utah gymnastics team during team finals, at the NCAA Championships in Fort Worth, Texas.

Posted by Utah Gymnastics on 19 Апрель 2015 г.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cheyenne Jackson sings "Mad Girl's Love Song" by Ben Toth.

Cheyenne Jackson sings "Mad Girl's Love Song" by Ben Toth.Watch the full Lincoln Center concert of Toth's music—featuring Lindsay Mendez, Santino Fontana, and more—here:

Posted by Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts on 17 Апрель 2015 г.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Yuja Wang - Prokofiev 2 and Rachmaninoff 3

Yuja Wang: first soloist to record with #Simon Bolivar live

Prokofiev 2 and Rachmaninoff 3

Posted by Yuja Wang on 17 Апрель 2015 г.

Don Pettit and Mike Massimino talk about espresso in space

ESA - European Space Agency's #ISSspresso machine is currently on its way to the International Space Station scheduled to arrive on SpaceX's Dragon tomorrow morning about 7am ET. Watch as Astronauts Don Pettit and Mike Massimino talk about espresso in space:

Posted by International Space Station on 16 Апрель 2015 г.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

from ISS

Amazing GoPro footage from Astronaut Terry Virts on a spacewalk shows the real-time perspective of flying 250 miles above the Earth outside of the International Space Station. Watch in HD on YouTube for the full experience:

Posted by International Space Station on 15 Апрель 2015 г.

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Greeting

Evolution Astrophysics or how to create a Cosmic Cock.

Scientific fiction stories.
Information itself is self-sufficient.
Wind thoughts.
Perhaps in the future profession Astrophysicist give a little more room to maneuver and manipulate matter than it is now. Think and develop computer to the desired level, which would conduct the experiment. And somewhere in the distant future, there was a crossing point needed to experiment capabilities of both professions.
And so we take one for Astrophysics and contact its programmers. And actually what is the essence of the experiment, of course they asked. And the essence of it is easy to determine if you simply describe the experiment itself.
And so we take the fertilized egg. From the point of view of computer science it is completely self-sufficient. That is, he does not need anything other than the supply of heat, and all information on the construction and transformation of matter in it already contains. And so we take this egg and Acceding reader information, a «3D» scanner matter, maybe it will not be three dimentsion, and as necessary to read the state of matter, and so it will dementsion. Excellent, and of course put it all in terms of economy providing process of hatching chicken. Warm, humid, and I do not remember exactly, or 39 days, or less need to complete the process of hatching, look in the directory who are interested.
Next, we will pre-select the galaxy, far enough away from from all lies and the probability of the emergence of intelligent life in it equal to zero or approaching zero. Calculated the probability of intelligent life in it at what a powerful super computer at the time. And so no one gets hurt. And, accordingly, to find a suitable star, chosen from all these billions of local favorite. Now it's astrophysics. Astrophysicist created around a star similar to the scope of Dyson sphere, but not for living in it, and for the conversion and control of matter and the reaction of the star. And connect the scanner matter with egg in this area Dyson. Further information about what is happening with egg broadcast on Dyson sphere. And the sphere begins to transform the star status in accordance with the state of the egg. There inject plutonium or fills up a star tantaluma with erbium. In general scope designed powerful Astrophysics and copes with its task. And the good energy to convert our entire star.
And now, after the required time for hatching chicken we get from the stars Cosmic Chicken. All processes were normal and we got a stable dynamic equilibrium of a new cosmic beings, thanks to the information contained in the egg, you may need a little refinement geneticist at the time, that would be what that dynamic processes in the being to improve or transform unnecessary space in general adapted to the specifics.
But we have a problem to get a colorful cosmic rooster. And then Astrophysicist takes the stage next, it turns out, as we think and reflect, he prepared a second Dyson sphere on top of the first, and by using it transformed a few days in the Cosmic Chicken Rooster incredible colors. And this fiery bird flew on Space waving their fiery wings.
Perhaps so you need to create and Space chicken. They will peck planets and asteroids of various kinds, and to drink hydrogen clouds, for them, they may look like a giant lake. A Space Chicken will probably take the other stars of the other eggs and begin to hatch them. And then, after a short time, the process is snowballing, we have an entire galaxy Space Chickens. And in the end a lot of giant space rooster Incredible colors and beauty of space.
Andrei Rogachev, Kremyonki, Kaluga Oblast, 2014.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

theoretical minimum

To understand the structure of the string, you need to understand the structure of the atom. To understand the structure of the atom need to learn at least a theoretical minimum physicist. I recommend you a theoretical minimum of Leonard Susskind.

Leonard Susskind

Информация и управление (Information and Control)


Сущность принципа управления заключается в том, что движение и действие больших масс или передача и преобразование больших количеств энергии направляется и контролируется при помощи небольших количеств энергии, несущих информацию. Этот принцип управления лежит в основе организации и действия любых управляемых систем: автоматических машин и живых организмов. Подобно тому, как введение понятия энергии позволило рассматривать все явления природы с единой точки зрения и отбросило целый ряд ложных теорий, так и введение понятия информации позволяет подойти с единой точки зрения к изучению самых различных процессов взаимодействия в природе.

SUMMARY control principle is that the movement and action of large masses or transmission and conversion of large quantities of energy is directed and controlled by means of small amounts of energy bearing information. This principle underlies the management of the organization and the operation of any control systems: automatic machines and living organisms. Just as the introduction of the concept of energy allowed to consider all natural phenomena from a unified point of view, and threw a number of false theories, and introduce the concept of information allows us to come up with a single point of view to the study of a wide variety of interaction processes in nature.